Healthy Food Made Easy is a fun course where you will learn to cook healthy meals on a budget.
The course is free and open to anybody aged 18 or over living in the Greater Bray area. You must register with us in advance - see contact details below.
Venue: SPECS, 6 Prince of Wales Terrace, Quinsborough Road Bray, A98 D7R0
Date and time: starts on Wednesday the 30th of August to 11th of October 2024 and will run over six Wednesday mornings from 10.00am-12.30pm.
Please note there is a break week 13th of September.
The emphasis throughout will be on group learning and talking, with a relaxed and fun approach, rather than formal teaching.
- Prepare, cook and taste healthy recipes
- Get tips on food shopping
- For all ages and abilities
- Learn about healthy eating
- Plan meals on a budget
Healthy Food Made Easy community cooking classses are delivered as part of the Sláintecare Healthy Communities Programme.
Call Louise Curtin on 01 286 8266 or email info@brayareapartnership.ie to find out more and book your place!