Expression of Interest for the delivery of supports and services to eligible target groups under the Social Inclusion Community Activation Programme (SICAP) 2024-2028.
As part of the SICAP 2024 Annual Plan implementation process, Bray Area Partnership, (BAP), is seeking expressions of interest from relevant, not for profit, organisations for the delivery of specified supports and services to eligible Programme target groups in identified neighbourhoods within the greater Bray areas.
SICAP is the Government’s primary social inclusion support programme, funded and designed by the Dept. of Rural and Community Development, (DRCD), with co-funding from the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+). The aim of SICAP is to reduce poverty and promote social inclusion and equality in Ireland through supporting communities and individuals using community development approaches, engagement and collaboration. BAP implements SICAP in the greater Bray and North Wicklow areas under contract with the Wicklow Local Community Development Committee.
A number of Calls for expression of interest may be published by BAP with respect to work to be undertaken as part of the SICAP 2024 Annual Plan implementation. This Call for expressions of interest relates to the provision of core services and supports under SICAP Goal I – supporting local community groups and networks and SICAP Goal 2 – lifelong learning and education; employment and labour market prospects; soft skills and wellbeing. Such supports and services under this CALL are to be provided, through sub-contracting arrangements, to SICAP target groups in identified housing estates in (1) Bray North and (2) Bray South. It is expected that a budget sum of up to €50,000 for the agreed and distinct subcontracting work in Bray North and a budget of up to €50,000 for agreed and distinct subcontracting work in Bray South under this Call will be made available by BAP through SICAP.
Relevant organisations submitting expressions of interest to be included on a panel for selection with respect to potential subcontracting arrangements under this Call will need to have full access to and availability of local community facilities at locations in or adjacent to the public housing estates in the identified neighbourhoods; be knowledgeable and have understanding of local needs of the target groups, possess the skills and competencies for effective engagement and work with the target groups; demonstrate a proven track record of achievement in the delivery of locally based inclusion focused programmes and have awareness, (preferably with prior experience), of SICAP resourced work.
Organisations seeking to be included on the panel for selection with respect to the potential subcontracting arrangements for delivering of specified SICAP services and supports under this CALL must fully complete the official associated forms:
- SICAP 2024-2028 Bray South Expression of Interest Form
- SICAP 2024-2028 Bray North Expression of Interest Form
and return on or before the listed closing date. Submissions after the closing date will not be considered. This process does not oblige BAP to enter into subcontracting arrangements with any organisation.